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that is a good thing because you are going to be taller and it is going to be lnger and you are going to have everywhere when you have puberty

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Q: Im 13 and i show no signs of puberty. I have no hair basically anywhere other than my head. I am 5'1 and one of the shortest people in my grade should i be worried?
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I just hit puberty about 4 months ago.when do you start your period after 4 months of puberty?

If you are a male and are worried about your period, you need to speak with someone. Now.

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Sometimes people think that they are not gonna grow as much as others. This is a worrying tough.

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You should keep off alcohol until you have left school at least if not 18-years-old. It should not delay Puberty but if you are worried about delays then ask advice from your Doctor.

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We are all on our own schedule. If you are worried, ask to se the Doc for a talk .

Im 15 years old you have not gone through puberty yet should you be worried?

no, you shouldnt. some dont start until about 16 at latest. also, you may be going through puberty now. everyone gets affected by puberty at different rates, so you may just go throuh puberty slowly

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Im 15 and it seems like i have started puberty about a year ago but it seems like i haven't changed since then should i be worried?

Everyone experiences puberty differently. If you have concerns, you should talk to a doctor. Don't try to self-diagnose or self-medicate.

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may be is just dat ur puberty hasn't started yet

I am very curious about what my wang is supposed to look like. Are there puberty sites that show puberty?

general no there aren't sites that show pictures of real boys going through the changes of puberty do to worries about child porn laws, that being said if you're worried about the changes in your body, you can ask your doctor if your body is changing normally and if you look like a boy "should" at your age

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You will be 14 in 6 months and your penis has not started growing is this natural?

yes it's natural it may just be that you hit puberty late. If it's not growing by 16 then I would be worried.