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it might be but sometimes you just skip a few when you are first starting out so you shouldn't worry. wait a little while and you should come on again. stress might have something to do with it but it depends on how long ago you started.

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Q: Im 14 and ive missed 2 periods but im a virgin ive heard that 1 of the reasons why this is maybe because of stress is this right?
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For what other reasons can a virgin miss her have a late period aside from stress?

There are many reasons, aside from stress that a virgin might miss or have a late period. Too much exercise or weight loss can result in missed periods and some women just have irregular periods. If you are concerned, you should see a doctor.

Why have you missed your last 2 periods if your usually regular?

If you're usually regular, there could be a number of reasons you missed your last 2 periods. The most likely reason is that you are pregnant. However, if you have ruled out pregnancy, stress, illness, diet, and hormonal changes could all be culprits. See your doctor to find the cause and treat the problem.

What are some reasons for a missed period?

Irregular periods, recently stopping or stopped taking birth control, recently took the morning after pill, illness, stress, underlying medical conditions, hormonal imbalance and pregnancy.

Will you still be pregnant when you miss 1 month of your periods?

if you mean that you missed one period, and got the rest of them. chances are, you only missed your period due to stress.

Can you miss a period due to stress?

If you have missed a period because of stress, answer this question.

Your periods are delayed are you pregnant?

If you think that you may be pregnant then take a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant or not. Late or missed menstruation does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant, you can miss your period for many reasons including stress or ill health.

Is it normal for a virgin to miss two periods?

Yes, it can be. If you are under stress this can cause missed periods. If you have been sick, on a diet, all of these things can cause missed periods. If you are young and just starting your periods it is common to skip months or to have irregular period. It takes a year or two before a cycle becomes regular.

Stress missed 2 periods?

So have I... I have Candida, which has made my body very run~down. there can be many expanations... stress etc... but you should do a test just to be sure.

Is there a complication if you missed your period twice or is it a sign that you are pregnant even if you do not have pregnancy symptoms and you do not feel like you are carrying a baby in your womb?

Hi, Not all missed periods are caused by pregnancy. A lot of missed periods that are not caused by pregnancy are usually caused by irregular periods, stress, stopping the pill or hormonal imbalance. Best thing to do is see your doctor and have a blood test.

You have missed your periods by 2 months i am 16 yrs old. is it normal?

No. It could be influenced by stress, malnutrition, or sickness. Besides pregnancy.

What r d reasons for having delayed periods?

Missed period can be an alarm for pregnancy but missed cycle not always means pregnancy. Your cycle could be missed if you had a stress (sometimes exams, meek love or fight with loved ones), if you are sick (some infection diseases), if you dramatically loose a weight, if you have some hormonal disturbances, etc. You can check the list of causes of missed periods in recommended link (see below).

Does tension delay periods?

Yes, high levels of stress and tension can disrupt the hormonal balance in the body, potentially causing delays in the menstrual cycle. This disruption can result in irregular periods or even missed periods. It's important to manage stress levels to help maintain a regular menstrual cycle.