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Go for a pregnancy test!!

If u're not pregnant, go to the Gynae, must be hormones problem

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Q: Im almost 3 weeks delayed and I got breast soreness what could it be?
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What could it be when you get a large red spot on your breast with a open sore in middle?

This is likely to be breast cancer due to the red spots and soreness.

If you have breast implants and believe you are pregnant should you be concerned that you have no breast tenderness or soreness even though other pregnancy symptoms are present?

It is unlikely that the lack of soreness is due to the implants, but even if that were the case, it is not cause for alarm. In fact, consider it a blessing. It could be that extra breast tissue and glandular tissue is not yet forming. Or it could be that you won't experience any soreness at all. Some women are lucky that way!

What can causes breast swelling and soreness?

Breast swelling and soreness is brought about by engorgement or wrongful technique in breastfeeeding .

What would cause a woman's breasts to be extrememy sore other than monthly hormones?

Outside of hormonal changes around ovulation and menstruation, breast soreness could be due to pregnancy. Breast soreness can be common if your breasts are growing, if you're wearing the wrong size bra or without correct support, in some cases it can be due to issues such as cysts or in rare cases due to breast cancer. If this occurs regularly see your doctor to determine the cause of the soreness.

What could cause male breast soreness and swelling?

It would be best if you booked an appointment to see a qualified medical practitioner (a Doctor) for an examination and diagnosis/treatment.

You have had breast soreness for 2 weeks straight now areola are darkening just around the edges constipated tired and cramping on left and right sides of uterus could you be pregnant?

If you have missed a period, yes you could, take a test.

Is it possible that i am are pregnant when im already delayed for 9 days and i have breast tenderness?

It is possible, yes. However, your period could just be late. Do a home pregnancy test to be sure.

What causes soreness of epydidimis?

The main concern if you have soreness and pain in the epididymis is that it could be related to an enlarged prostate. This pain could also be caused by an infection in your system.

Could you be pregnant if you got your period but had breast soreness that went away yet you still have little bumps on your nipples?

yes. i have had 4 children and never suffered tender breasts with any of them

Could a kidney infection cause armpit soreness?

If you have an infection in your body, the lymph system works to control the infection. The armpit soreness could be a lymphy node doing its job - fighting infection.

Why is your breast so sore suddenly could it be growing you are 18yrs old?

Hormonal changes are most likely responsible. This could occur if you have started taking the pill, or it could just be your menstrual cycle. If it persists, you should see a medical professional to make sure you don't have any abnormalities that are causing the soreness. You could also be pregnant.

How long does breast soreness and tenderness last can it stop 3-4 wks into pregnancy?

It could last your entire pregnancy, every person is different. I suggest getting the book "What to expect when expecting" they are really cheap online at places like