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Yes, your contraceptive pill will be just as effective when taking ibuprofen. The only medecines which can cause contraceptive faliure with Microgynon 30 are: * Antibiotics (such as ampicillin and rifampicin) * Griseofulvin (Used to treat fungal infections) * Phenylbutazone (An anti-inflammatory drug used to treat some types of joint diseases) * Phenytoin, Primidon, Phenobarbiton and some other medicines used to treat people with epilepsy such as carbamezepine. Hope this helps. The leaflet inside your box of pills will also inform you and answer lots of other queries you might have. Yes, your contraceptive pill will be just as effective when taking Ibuprofen. The only medecines which can cause contraceptive faliure with Microgynon 30 are: * Antibiotics (such as ampicillin and rifampicin) * Griseofulvin (Used to treat fungal infections) * Phenylbutazone (An anti-inflammatory drug used to treat some types of joint diseases) * Phenytoin, Primidon, Phenobarbiton and some other medicines used to treat people with epilepsy such as carbamezepine. Hope this helps. The leaflet inside your box of pills will also inform you and answer lots of other queries you might have.

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Q: Im currently on Microgynon 30 and I was prescribed tablets from the doctor last week. Ibuprofen 500mg. I was wondering will my contraceptive pill still work while Im taking Ibuprofen?
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