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First you want to make sure you pregnet. If you are talk to your doctor. They may be able to give you more information on pregnency.

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Q: Im in soccer and i think im 2 weeks pregnant can too much exercise lead to a miscarriage?
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You can have a miscarriage at any time during a pregnancy.

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You can miscarry before you even know your pregnant and just think it's a late period

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Can you have a miscarriage after what you thought was a period a week later?

YES if you think that you are pregnant or were pregnant and are having a miscarriage get to your doctor ASAP so that they can see what is really going on and to do any necessary procedures Good luck and God Bless!!!

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I don't think she is pregnant because she is 49 years old. It is very difficult to conceive when you are over 40.

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Yoga doesn't cause miscarriages, however if you are pregnant, practicing yoga and worry it might cause you a miscarriage, my advice is always: DON'T PRACTICE. While it may be illogical that you think that, if you do think yoga increases your risk, then if you have a miscarriage you may blame yourself and your practice.

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Were you diagnosed as pregnant? If you were in fact pregnant and now started you period again you "did" have a miscarriage. In the early stages of pregnancy a miscarriage is not always going to have any major symptioms. Discharging tissue could be something else if you weren't pregnant. I would see a doctor if you continue to have such discharge in the future.

Already pregnant before taking the morning after pill will it cause a miscarriage?

It probably will if I understand the "morning after" pill. I also think they won't give it to you if you are all ready pregnant .

I think im pregnant but when i used the bathroom there was something in it It was small and im only a month I havent bled or anything Can it be a miscarriage?

It is possible that it could be a miscarriage. The only way to know is to visit a doctor.

Is it possible to have a miscarriage before you knew you were pregnant and could a doctor tell by doing a check-up?

Yes, it is possible to have a miscarriage before you know you're pregnant. It happens a lot more than, I think, people know about. I think a doctor can do an exam to tell if you've had a miscarriage or not, but it probably has to be soon after. Call a doctor right away if you want to know. you could definatly have a misscarage before you know you are pregnant because some times you do have what you think are periods so you don't notice changes in your body. some people go full term with out knowing there are pregnant. but i don't think it is possible for a doctor to check if you have had a misscarge once the misscarage is complete.