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it is always possible u could be pregnant since no form of bc is 100% effective. when i was on depo i use to spot for 4-6 weeks before my next sht was due but i had no other symptoms. how long have u been on the shot? r ur breasts tender or anything?

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Q: Im on the depo and im bleeding i feel with naseu can i be pregnant?
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Can a baby survive if you used depo?

yes,however if you feel that you may be pregnant you should see a dr as soon as possible.

Some time you fell thing moving some times kicking you are on depo are you pregnant?

If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test. If you're pregnant enough to feel "kicking," the test will surely be positive.

Could i be pregnant as on Depo-Provera and feel sick a lot?

That's been happening to me too. Weird. I kinda wanna puke all the time. Ugh.

You have cramps and feel like im on your period but you have no bleeding?

wait a couple days and if you still have no bleeding take a pregnancy test. when i was pregnant i could feel slight cramps every month when i normally would have had my period

Haven't had a period for 5 months started bleeding today but i feel movement in my belly?

have you seen, I didn't know I was pregnant? They all seem to have bleeding throughout. Go to the doctor now.

Can a person have regular bleeding and are having signs of pregnancy can that be pregnancy?

Regular bleeding in general means you are not pregnant - if you feel you are having signs of pregnancy, take a test - that way you'll know for sure.

You started bleeding today and its a pinkish color you have cramps and you feel like you have to use the bathroom but you dont they say its implantaion bleeding what is that and what should you do?

If you are pregnant, you should get into bed, lay as flat as possible and dont get out until the bleeding stops and call your doctor

Can i be prenant. i have been on depo for about a year now and me and my boyfriend have unprotected sex all the time. i feel sick alot. i took a test and it said negitave did i use it to early?

You are pregnant. Seek abortion clinic immediately.

Had no period for six months on depo had tests and bloods done still think im pregnant though is there any chance i think can feel some movement?

You're not pregnant. It might be worthwhile to seek other kinds of medical help so that you can leave this belief behind.

Are you pregnant if you have your period every other day?

hmm...this does seem odd. But it is not a symptom of pregnancy. Implantation bleeding is, on the other hand. This is bleeding that occurs shortly after having sex that would cause you to become pregnant. If you do feel that it is your period, and nothing else, this is not normal. Don't panic about an abnormalities, but if this continues, you should consult your doctor.

Are you pregnant if you feel lower back pains and hips then sore breast but had a light bleeding for almost 1week?

You could be. Some still have light periods while pregnant. Testing is the only way to know for sure though!

How do you know you're pregnant without a test?

you will know your pregnant because you feel sick all the time and you will know when you eat more than you usually do or your period hasn't come or is light.