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There is a such thing as implantation bleed that normally occurs between 1-2 weeks after fertilization. However, 9 days after your period is a little off for implantation bleeding. More than likely, if it was a brownish discharge, it was just your body cleaning out some leftover waste. 3% of women continue to have their periods while they are pregnant. However, many women who "think" they are just having their period again are actually bleeding from an ectopic pregnancy. The difference: more severe cramp-like pains than you've ever experienced before. If you've had two periods in a row that are approximately at your correct time, you're probably not pregnant. Unless you have had two positive pregnancy tests taken at least two weeks apart, you're still probably not pregnant. However, if you're having pain or bleeding abnormally, I'd go get it checked out. Sometime, it can be a sign of early problems, either with your body or with a pregnancy. All the best.

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Q: Implantation blood 9 days after period but now I just been carrying on getting periods has anyone had this and get periods while pregnant Got implantation blood on the 2nd may its now September?
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Yes if you have implantation bleeding it means that you are pregnant.

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No. Not everyone experiences implantation bleeding.

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Absolutely!! There doesn't have to be spotting at implantation for you to be pregnant. Answer Yes Implantation bleeding is rare every girl is different 1 in 3 women get Implantation bleeding if you don't you can still be pregnant Hope I help Good luck! From Pink Princess

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Yes you can,only about a third or pregnant women have implantation bleeding.

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If you are 12 weeks pregnant, it is not implantation bleeding. Consult your doctor right away.

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Yes its possible. Most women do not experience implantation bleeding

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yes, implantation means the egg implants onto your uterus..

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No. If you are pregnant and having bleeding you should see your doctor. Implantation bleeding only occurs during implantation not a month after.

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No, the hCG levels are unlikely to be high enough to detect one day after implantation. What makes you think you know when implantation happened?

If you haven't noticed light bleeding for implantation could you still be pregnant?

Yes, not all women have implantation bleeding.