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First of all i would like to support positive ideas of those researchers who's contributed to by thrier studies that SAARC countries have so much potential for trade within the region. The global climate related to the trade has changed, some examples like EU and ASEAN have proved that a region have same markets for their imports and exports can enhance their Intra-regional trade. Approximately 10 years ago, ASEAN-intra trade was only 5 to 6 percent of tolal ASEAN trade but now ASEAN-intra trade is appropriately 26% to 30% of total ASEAN trade. So, SAARC countries can enhance their intra trade by focusing on those area which have more important for B to B transactions. They can merge their common sectors having huge exports potential for non members countries and can take benefits from their minor sectors via development of common industries within the region.

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Q: Importance of SAARC Organization
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