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It's probably more the other way around; the USA was very important to The Beatles' careers. But the Beatles' success in the USA was partly down to timing; much like in the UK a year earlier. Their arrival on TV, and as a news story was shortly after huge, serious events. In the UK it was a big political scandal, the great train robbery and the worst winter of the century. In the US it was the assassination of Kennedy. So the Beatles' main effect was to lighten the country.

Apart from that, many bands that formed in the 1960s (the Byrds in particular) have freely acknowledged the Beatles' influence. Brian Wilson has also said that The Beach Boys felt they were competing with the Beatles.

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12y ago

The influence the Beatles had on American Rock was;

1. Using Classical Theory Idea's in their music

2. Unconventional Chord Progressions

3. New instrunmental sounds.

Keep in mind that up until the Beatles songs were only 1-2 minutes long. After the introduction of the Beatles songs lengths were increased to what we know today. 3-5 minutes long

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13y ago

The Beatles have influenced what most modern music is today and that influence can be heard throughout pop music today, Robert Greenfield (a once associative editor for Rolling Stonelikened The Beatles to Picasso in the way that both broke free from "the constraints of their time period" to create something "unique and original" and that no one in Pop music history will ever be "more revolutionary, more creative and more distinctive". In fact their music was so revolutionary that Ricky Sklar of of New York's WBAC Radio forbid the DJ's from playing anything pre-Beatles.

The Beatles and all of the other British Invasion bands, the Zombies, the Yardbirds and The Tornados all became very popular during the mid 1960's but the interesting thing is that these bands were influenced the most by US acts like Buddy Holly, The Everly Brothers, Elvis, Little Richard, Chuck Berry Motown and the blues genre (The Rolling Stones began as a Blues band). In fact The Beatles would constantly look for new avenues in music and draw inspiration by listening to their contemporaries such as Bob Dylan, The Beach Boys and many others and in turn these British Invasion bands influenced the US acts and changed American music for good.. The Beatles had a profound affect everywhere not just the US - they became icons of the Counterculture of the 1960's and embodied many of the ideals assosciated with cultural transformation; they became catalyst for such radical and necessary movements and campaigns like women's liberation, gay liberation, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and enviromentalism. They became symbols of peace, unity and total-equality everywhere.

Hoped that helped a little.

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