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The legislature passed the "Butler Act" (Named after State Rep. John W. Butler) which banned the teaching of evolution in the classroom.

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Q: In 1925 what did the Tennessee state legislature ban that led to the Scopes Monkey Trial?
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When did the Scopes Monkey Trial begin?

The Scopes Monkey Trial ended on July 21, 1925. Scopes was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $100. However, because of a technicality, the verdict was overturned. The official name of the trial was The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes.

What groups opposed john t scopes at his trial?

The State of Tennessee, which backed the Butler Act, is the entity that was in opposition to John T Scopes at his trial. This trial became known as the Monkey Trial since it had to do with teaching evolution.

What does Scopes trial mean?

The Scopes trial refers to the "Scopes-Monkey" trial in which a high school Science teacher in Tennessee violated the Butler Act that made it unlawful to teach evolution in schools. He was found guilty.

Who was tried in the Scope Monkey Trial?

John Scopes was a school teacher in Tennessee that illegally taught the theory of evolution in a public school. He was arrested, tried and convicted.

Who was put on trial for Darwin's theory of evolution?

I assume you mean the trial in 1925 Tennessee that had John Scopes as the defendant for teaching evolution in violation of the law at that time.

Who was on trial in the scopes monkey trial?

John T. Raulston was the judge in the Scopes trial.

What did the Tennessee court decide in the scopes trial in the scops triel?

In 1925 the State of Tennessee accused substitute high school teacher John T. Scopes of violating state law by teaching human evolution in a state-funded school. The trial is known as the Scopes Trial or the Scopes Monkey Trial. Scopes was found guilty and fined $100. The verdict subsequently was overturned.

What was also known as the monkey trial?

John Scopes for teaching evolution

What is the nickname of the scopes trial?

The Monkey Trial.

Why did Clarence Darrow became famous in 1925?

He was a defense attorney in the Scopes trial

Where did the Scopes Trial happen?

The Scopes Trial, formally known as "The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes" took place in Dayton, Tennessee.

Who was the teacher in the Scopes Monkey Trial?
