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In Act 1 Scene 7 of Macbeth, when Macbeth is alone and speaking his thoughts out loud, this is called a soliloquy. It is a dramatic device used to reveal a character's innermost thoughts and feelings to the audience.

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Q: In Act 1 Scene 7 Macbeth is alone speaking his thoughts out loud this is called a .?
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The literary term demonstrated in this scene from Macbeth is called a soliloquy. It is when a character speaks their thoughts aloud to themselves, revealing their innermost feelings and intentions to the audience.

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What is the first info you are given about Macbeth?

Strictly speaking, it is in act 1 scene 1 where the witches say "Upon the heath/ There to meet with Macbeth."From this we know that Macbeth is on a heath. It's not much information but it is the first we get.

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Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. That sounds strange, but it is probably true. Next to them, Macduff gets very emotional when he discovers the murder, but seems to get over it quite quickly. But thoughts of Duncan haunt Macbeth who says in Act III Scene II "Duncan is in his grave. After life's fitful fever he sleeps well." And Lady Macbeth cannot shake off thoughts of Duncan either; in her sleepwalking scene she says, "But who would have thought the old man to have so much blood in him?"

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In Act 2 Scene 1, Macbeth is onstage and Lady Macbeth is not. I think Macbeth in Act 1 Scene 5 is heading back to his castle called "Inverness" to talk to his wife (Lady Macbeth) about what happened with the witches and to come back from the war that just happened. Possibly you were thinking of Act 2 Scene 2 where she is talking and he is stabbing Duncan.

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