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Romeo sees Juliet standing on her balcony, professing her love for him and lamenting the fact that he is a Montague. He listens to her speech and then reveals himself, leading to their famous dialogue and their plan to marry in secret.

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Q: In Capulet's orchard what does Romeo see Juliet doing after the party?
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What does Romeo ask Balthazar?

Balthasar tells Romeo that Juliet had just died and that he saw the Capulets at her funeral. Even though this is misinformation, Romeo believes Balthasar because he had not got the message form Friar Laurence about the plan.

What was Romeo doing when he saw Juliet?

From Shmoop Literature on Romeo and Juliet Summary We meet our hero, Romeo, after a duel between the young men of two enemy families of Verona: the Montagues and the Capulets. Romeo Mongtague is pining away for Rosaline, a girl we never see. Juliet Capulet, age thirteen, has just heard that Paris, Verona's attractive young bachelor, would like to marry her. The two will meet that night at a masquerade ball at the Capulets' house. Romeo and his friends have decided to crash the Capulet ball - in costume - because Rosaline is on the guest list. Romeo meets Juliet there instead, and they fall madly in love. Afterwards, they discover they are members of rival families, but they are still in love. Romeo stays after the party under Juliet's balcony, and the two use this romantic meeting to plan their marriage. Hasty, but genuine.

How does the death of romeo and Juliet effect the feud?

Civil brawls, born of an airy word, seem to happen with little provocation. People assume that what the Capulets do, they do to slight the Montagues and vice versa. Thus Tybalt assumes that Romeo has crashed the party just to "fleer and jest" at the Capulets. He continues to act on that assumption even after Capulet points out to him that Romeo is doing nothing of the kind. Paris also assumes that Romeo must be up to no good in visiting Juliet's tomb, just because he's a Montague. Both of these groundless assumptions lead to fighting and death for those doing the assuming.

What did Paris think Romeo is doing at the capulets tomb?

he thinks he is there to vandalize the tomb and to mess with the dead bodies

Did the nurse from Romeo and Juliet have a friendship with Juliet?

Yes, the nurse did have a friendship with Juliet as she knew everything about Romeo and Juliet. And she would tell Juliet when her mom is coming when Juliet was doing something she wasn't supposed to do. So yes the nurse was friends with Juliet.

What is Juliet doing whenn romeo first sees her?

dancing with paris...

What was shakespeare doing before he wrote romeo and Juliet?

playing chess

What is romeo doing the morning after he meets Juliet?

getting it on oh yea

How was the conflict resolved in Romeo and Juliet?

They didn't have a problem, they were just love struck for each other and died doing so. They didn't have any problems to solve.

Who breaks up the street brawl between the Capulets and Montagues in Scene 1?

The main fight in Romeo and Juliet is between Mercutio and Tybalt. Romeo tries to break it up, but Mercutio gets killed while he is doing so.

How does romeo plan on getting to juliet's chamber?

Romeo plans to climb up a ladder to Juliet's chamber to sneak in and see her. He believes that by doing so, he can avoid being seen and communicate with Juliet without interference.