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Q: In Disney's movie finding nemo in which oceanic zone did marlin and dory meet crush the sea turtle riding the east Australian current?
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Why did the people aboard the oceanic viking come to Australia?

It is an Australian customs ship.

What is the name of cold oceanic current?

el nino

What plates are composed mostly of oceanic crust?

Of the Earth's major plates, the following are composed of a majority of oceanic crust: Pacific, North American, African, Antarctic, Australian, and South American.

What causes the direction of current flow?

I assume you are referring to oceanic currents (instead of electrical current). Oceanic current is divided into 2 types: Surface Ocean Current -- affected by wind. Deep Ocean Current --cause by water density (mineral rich vs clearer water) and temperature gradient (differences in heat)

Which current carries warm water to the poles?

Those surface currents that normally (but not exclusively because of the global oceanic conveyor and the position and shape of the continents) flow from the equatorial regions to wards the poles such as:-The Gulf StreamThe Kuroshio CurrentThe Alaska CurrentThe Brazil CurrentThe Agulhas CurrentThe East Australian Current

Which plate is mount merapi?

Mount Merapi is not a plate. However, it was formed by the convergence of a oceanic plate and a continental plate. The oceanic Indo-Australian plate subducted under the continetal Eurasian plate causing a line of volcanoes.

What continent is Fiji islands of?

Fiji falls under the Australian continent along with other south pacific countries and are sometimes regarded to as Oceanic.

Is Japan continental continental oceanic oceanic or continental oceanic?


What results when divergence occurs in the oceanic lithosphere?

A Mid-Ocean-Ridge develops leading to volcanism and the creation of new oceanic crust.

What currents carry warm water?

Those surface currents that normally (but not exclusively because of the global oceanic conveyor and the position and shape of the continents) flow from the equatorial regions to wards the poles such as:-The Gulf StreamThe Kuroshio CurrentThe Alaska CurrentThe Brazil CurrentThe Agulhas CurrentThe East Australian Current

What plate is in the Indian Ocean between the Antarctic and Indo-Australian plates?

The proposed plate called the Capricorn Plate is a relatively rigid oceanic structure that was the westernmost part of the Indo-Australian Plate, which is now believed to exist as three separate smaller plates: the Indian Plate, the Australian Plate, and the Capricorn Plate.

What kind of business is Scoot?

Scoot is a business in the furniture area for the flight industry. The company 'Scoot' produces comfortable seating for the Australian airlines and also for Oceanic companies.