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Amut or Amit (there are different spellings) was said to devour the souls of the dead who didn't follow Maat's principles

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Q: In Egyptian mythology which demon was the 'Devourer of the Dead'?
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Who is the Devourer of the Dead?


Who was this prince of the dead god of the under world?

Osiris is both the God of the Underworld and the price of the dead in Egyptian mythology, while the God of only the Underworld is Hades in Greek mythology.

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In Egyptian mythology, Ammit devours the hearts of evil souls who fail the heart weighing ceremony in the afterlife. Ammit is a part-lion, part-hippopotamus, and part-crocodile creature who is known as the "Devourer of the Dead."

Who is the god of death for Egyptian mythology?

Anubis was the god of embalming and mummification; Osiris judges the dead and lives in the underworld.

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The ruler of the underworld in Greek mythology is the god Hades. In Roman mythology, his name is Pluto. He also has a queen who rules with him. Her Greek name is Persephone and her Roman name is Proserpine. I think in egyptian Hades is Osiris

What Anubis's pet was called?

If you mean the demon with the head of crocodile, the torso of a leopard and the hindquarters of a hippopotamus to whom Anubis feeds the essence of those who do not pass the weighing of the heart ceremony against the feather of Ma'at; her name is Ammit, Eater of the Dead, the Devourer.

What was anubus the god of?

Anubis, the jackal-headed God of Egyptian mythology, is a psychopomp, that is, he guides the souls of the recently departed to the land of the dead.

What are all gods of death?

Some gods of death from various mythologies and religions include Anubis from ancient Egyptian mythology, Hades from Greek mythology, Yama from Hindu mythology, and Thanatos from Greek mythology. These gods are typically associated with guiding souls to the afterlife and overseeing the realm of the dead.

What is Amut the goddess of?

Ammit (also spelled Ammut and Ahemait) was a female demon with a body that was part lion, hippopotamus and crocodile- the three largest "man-eating" animals known to ancient Egyptians. A funerary deity, her titles included "Devourer of the Dead," "Eater of Hearts," and "Great of Death."

Who made Osiris the king of the dead?

As per Egyptian mythology Osiris became the king of the dead after the gods made him king of the underworld due to their respect to Isis devotion to her dead husband, but since he was missing a body part his phallus, he became the king of the dead.

Is Pythor really dead in Ninjago?

No, pythor isn't dead because right when the great devourer ate him, he teleported. He returns in season #4. He goes insane.