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A DUI conviction or any felony conviction becomes a permanent part of the convicted person's criminal record.

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Q: In Indiana how long will a 'driving while intoxicated' felony conviction remain on your record?
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Is conviction of aggravated DWI 1st offense a felony in ny?

Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated for having a BAC greater than 18 is a misdemeanor. Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated for having a child in the car is a felony.

Can you be a lwayer in the state of Indiana if you have a felony conviction?

Only the Indiana Bar Associaion can answer this question. Contact them.

Can you adopt a baby with a drug felony in the state of Indiana?

if you have a conviction, probably not; contact Indiana department of children services for more information.

Is driving with a suspended license a felony in Georgia?

It is my understanding that the new bill passed made the third driving with a suspended license conviction a felony. Try for more info.

Can you get food stamps with a drug felony in Indiana?

No. A felony drug conviction is the only felony that bars you from assistance. They are currently working on trying to pass a law where drug felons can take a program to get them. As of now, its NO.

Can a fellon own a shot gun at home i Indiana?

You will have to discuss your exact situation and all details relating to the felony conviction with a lawyer.

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Can I travel to the Bahamas with a felony conviction

Is domestic violence a felony in Ohio?

First conviction is a first degree misdemeanor and second conviction is a fifth degree felony.

Can you posses a firearm after assault conviction in Louisiana?

If it's a felony conviction, no.

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Can you join marines with a felony conviction?

No .