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yes it is my brother got fined

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Q: In Oklahoma is it illegal to park blocking a residential driveway?
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Related questions

Can the police tow your car in your driveway if it is blocking the sidewalk?

Yes, blocking the sidewalk is illegal and if it is over the sidewalk it is not legally parked in your driveway.

How close to a driveway can you park?

If you are talking about a driveway other than your own, you can park as close to it as you want as long as you are not blocking it and if the law permits (although I highly doubt that would be illegal, you know how some are). For a piece of advice and courtesy though, allow at least a 4 inch space between your car and their driveway.

Is egging someones driveway illegal?

Yes it is illegal because it it vandalism.

Is it illegal to back out of a driveway into any road?

Only onto a major road or junction, or by a local ordinance. Otherwise we would all have a U shaped driveway. You need a turn-around area in your driveway. It certainly is not safe to come to a stop on the highway and back into your driveway nor is it safe to back out of your driveway onto the highway. I have a straight driveway and it's not illegal to back out onto a minor residential street.

Is it illegal to back out of a driveway in Ontario?

It is not an offence to back out of a driveway, but it is an offence to back across a lane of traffic.

Is it illegal to block your driveway in North Las Vegas?


Is is legal to parallel park in front of a driveway?

Obstructing a driveway, service access, etc. is generally illegal anywhere.

Is it illegal in QLD to have an unregistered car parked in the driveway?

No its not illegal to have it parked out of motion but if you were to be driving then yes it is

Is it illegal for a stranger to park in your driveway?

It could be deemed as trespassing, which is illegal.

Is it illegal to back out of a driveway into a New York state road?


Is it illegal for your landlord and his friends to block your driveway even for a few hours he has his own driveway but they always use ours?

It is extremely rude, but since he owns the property, not illegal, unless you are paying a surcharge to park.

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