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Hitler wasn't even in the movie.

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Q: In Schindler list movie Do you believe that Hitler is a significant character in the film?
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How is Hitler related to the book Lord of the Flies?

Many people believe the character "Jack" in the book is representative of the evils of Adolf Hitler.

What is the role of Oskar Schindler in Schindler's List?

Oskar Schindler worked for Adolf Hitler as a Nazi during the holocaust during WWII. He saved aprox. 1.1 thousand Jews by sending them to freedom and comfort in Poland where he had a factory.

Who was the guy who listed 300 Israelis when Adolf Hitler murdered 6 million Israelis?

Israelis did not yet exist when Adolf Hitler was alive. If you're referring to Jews, you might be talking about Oskar Schindler.

In the Book Night who believes in Hitler?

No character in the book doubts Hitler's existence.

What is the film Schindler's list about?

Schindler's List tells a story about a German business owner who tries to hire Jewish people in the hopes of keeping a few out of the concentration camps. Therefore he manages to save lives that had he not stepped in, would have been lost at the hand of German soldiers and doctors.

When did people start following Hitler?

Hitler began to have a significant following after 1929, with the start of the Depression.

What is the main character trait of Hitler?


Who is the main character in Hitler's Daughter?

Your Mummy

Did Hitler believe in black magic?

He claimed to believe in 'providence'.

What was significant about the battle of of the bulge?

it was a counterattack by hitler that almost succeeded.

Why did Hitler believe jews were trying to kill him?

This was not one of the beliefs that Hitler held.