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No. Aspartame does not cause Interstitial Cystitis. While the cause of this bladder disease is not known, nor is theire a cure for it, there has been great progress in the treatment of it.

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Q: In a medical condition called Interstitial Cystitis have there been any side effects from aspartame that could cause this?
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Can you reverse the effects of aspartame?

Simple, absolutely avoid aspartame! People who have used aspartame with severe side effects imitating MS and Lupas have seen their symptoms gradually or immediatly disappear following the abrupt end to their aspartame consumption.

What are the demographics of negative effects from aspartame?

There has been no evidence or suggestion of any gender, race, or cultural predilection to negative effects from aspartame.

What are side effects of aspartate?

Headaches and memory loss are the most common side effects of aspartame. Aspartame should be avoided. It is in most diet soft drinks and sugar free candies.

Can aspartame cause a built-up sweetness in your mouth?

No, aspartame doesn't have the same effects as regular sugar. It does not even cause cavities.

How much aspartame is too much?

Having more than 2-3 Aspartame sweetened sodas per day has been shown to have effects on the brain. To my knowledge no dose that anyone is likely to consume has been shown to be harmful.

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Why does aspartame make my tongue go numb?

Aspartame. marketed under several names, has been known to cause many many toxic side effects. Tongue numbing or swelling is just one. Elimination of this chemical from your diet should make the symptom disappear, and if not, consult your physician.

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One side effect listed for the drug trangorex is hypothyroidism. Another side effect of the drug is interstitial lung disease.

Does Coke Zero have any dangerous ingredients?

Yes, Coke Zero contains Aspartame, therefore it should be considered extremely dangerous for long term use. Aspartame studies have also recommended further investigation into possible connections between aspartame and negative effects such as headaches, brain tumors, brain lesions and lymphoma .These findings, combined with possible conflicts of interests involving CEO Donald Rumsfeld in the approval process, have engendered vocal activism regarding the possible risks of aspartame.

Is it true that sugar free gum has embalming fluids?

Yes. The most common non-sugar "sweetener" found in sugar free gum is known as Aspartame. Aspartame contains methanol, which is what creates the embalming fluid. After consumption, the methanol breaks down into formaldehyde (the embalming fluid) and later formic acid in the bodies stomach. Facts: Formaldehyde may be used as a preservative: The fetal pig you may have dissected in high school was preserved in formaldehyde. There are over 92 different side effects from consuming Aspartame, including: brain damage, hyperactivity, gradual weight gain, headaches etc. Aspartame is most commonly found in diet sodas, most sugar-free foods, and are the main if not single ingredient in sugar-free sweeteners such as NutraSweet. The FDA (food and drug administration) and several other health regulation associations are paid off by Monsanto (the manufacturer of NutraSweet) to keep quiet about the effects of Aspartame. Aspartame is banned in children's foods in Europe.

Is ADHD a legitimate medical condition that effects childhood behavior?

Yes; numerous medical studies have proven the medical legitimacy of ADHD and its effects on behavior in both adult and children. There is no debate about the existence of the condition, only the diagnosis of the condition.

What are good points about aspartame?

There are none whatsoever. Aspartame is a dangerous chemical that should have never been made legal for comsumption. Its reason for use is weightloss and for an alternative sugarfree sweetener for diabetics. Considering people gain more weight on diet soda and lose weight when they switch to regular, there goes that "weightloss theory". Also, aspartame can make diabetic contol more DIFFICULT and can also precipitate diabetes in person who dont have it. EVEN IF IT DID help with weightloss and diabetes (but it absolutly does not) its benefits would NEVER outweigh the risks. Brain tumors, Grand Mal Seizures, and even death are among the many documented side effects of aspartame use.