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The resolution of the crisis of the story comes after the falling action. This is also called the 'denouement'.

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In a story, the falling action is typically followed by the resolution, where the main conflict is fully resolved, and loose ends are tied up. This is where the reader gains closure and sees the final outcome or consequences of the story's events.

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14y ago

The Resolution or Denouement.

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Q: In a story what comes after the falling action?
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What comes after the climax in a story?

The 'falling action' comes after the climax in a story.

What comes after a climax in a story?

The 'falling action' comes after the climax in a story.

What comes after the climax?

The falling action takes place after the climax. This is when the story begins to die down and there is less action. The story is almost resolved at this point.

What comes after falling action in a story?

The Resolution or Denouement.

What comes right after climax of a story?

The falling action

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A falling action comes after the climax and falling action and is intended to bring the story to a satisfying end.

What comes right after the climax of the story?

The falling action

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The falling action comes after the climax and once the conflict has been resolved in a story. In "The Ant and the Grasshopper," the falling action is the grasshopper learning to be prepared.

What comes after climax of a story?

The falling action takes place after the climax. This is when the story begins to die down and there is less action. The story is almost resolved at this point.

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The stage of a plot that comes directly after the conflict is called the climax. The climax offers resolution to the conflict in a story.

What is the definition of peak of a story?

The peak of the story is also known as the climax. This is the highest moment of action in a story, and a major event usually occurs at this point. The climax comes after the rising action and comes before the falling action. Hope this helps!!

How is the falling action different from the conclusion?

The falling action leads to the resolution or conclusion of the play