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Q: In allergies the body responds to a harmless substance as if it were a?
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What is a body's hypersensitive response to an outside substance that is otherwise harmless?


Is any substance that the body regards as being foreign Answer?

The body can reject implants and, of course, blood if it's not your own type or O negative (I think). You can look at allergies the same way - hay fever, nuts, strawberries - the body detects them as harmful even though they are harmless.

Which class of antibodies causes allergies?

A class of antibodies that cause allergies are allergens. Allergens are a foreign substance that causes an allergic reaction in the body.

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Why nut allergies?

With allergies, the body recognizes the substance as foreign and attacks it much in the same way the immune system attacks a virus. So, in your case, your body thinks nuts shouldn't be in your system and tries to rid of them.

What term describes the overaction of the body to a particular antigen?

Allergies develop when the body overreacts to an antigen.

When the body recognizes a relatively harmless substance as a dangerous antigen and mounts an immune response this response is called what?


Why are allergies not classified as autoimmune diseases?

An autoimmune disease is a reaction to a substance that is innate to the human body - such as a specific organ or cell. Whereas an allergy is a reaction to a foodstuff that is ingested into the body, not a substance that is 'created' by the body. Autoimmune diseases are reactions to substances 'created' by the body. Allergies are caused by things that have been "added" (ingested, inhaled, applied topically etc...) to the body. Hence allergies are not auto-immune reactions (it is an "immune reaction" since it involves the immune system, but not "auto", since auto implies a reaction to "itself", essentially)

How do allergy shots work to cure allergies?

Allergies are how your body's immune system responds to certain substances (allergens). When the immune system encounters a foreign substance (allergen) that it thinks could cause bodily harm, it wages war to fight the invasion. As a by-product of the response, your body releases histamine (a chemical) that causes common allergic symptoms (runny nose, itchy eyes, hives, chest tightness, etc.). In more severe cases, this allergic reaction can involve the throat, chest, and heart (anaphylaxis). Allergy shots work to decrease your body's sensitivity to these allergens. By slowly increasing your exposure to the foreign substance (in very small amounts), the idea is to re-train your body against reacting to it. Many people experience relief from allergy shots for their seasonal allergies (dust, molds, etc.). It's best to contact your primary care physician and/or allergist if you have more questions about specific allergies.

Are allergies immune disorders?

Allergies are kind of like an immune disorder but not in the typical sense, rather people that have allergies just have extremely reactive immune systems. Basically what this means is that when you come into contact with an allergen (dust, pollen, animal fur and so on) your body reacts to this substance in order to protect itself. the body releases histamines to defend itself against the allergen. it is this histamines that often produce the symptoms associated with allergies, such as sneezing, watery eyes and sinus congestion.

What are the known causes of food allergies?

Food allergies occur when the immune system mounts an attack on certain proteins in certain foods. The substances in the food that trigger this immune-system response are called allergens. The immune system is a complex network of cells and molecules that help defend the body against foreign substances. When a properly functioning immune system detects a foreign substance, it responds to this threat by producing proteins called antibodies against the invaders. The antibodies will recognize and attack this foreign substance when they next encounter it. This "battle" is what causes the allergy symptoms.

Is there ever going to be a cure for peanut allergies?

There have been some successes with homeopathic medicine. This tends to desensitize the body to the substance such as peanuts so they can be safely consumed.