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Food Vacuole is a small cavity within the cytoplasm that stores food and nutrients.

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Q: In an amoeba a small cavity within the cytoplasm that stores food is called?
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In an amoeba a small cavity within the cytoplasm that stores food is called what?

food vacuole

What is the small cavity within the cytoplasm that stores food called?

food vacuole

A small cavity within the cytoplasm that stores food is called?

food vacuole

What is a vacuole membrane?

A small cavity in the cytoplasm of a cell, bound by a single membrane and containing water, food, or metabolic waste.

What stores food in amoeba?


Space in the cytoplasm that stores substances?

Technically, many organelles store substances in the cytoplasm. But a structure created for the sole purpose of large scale storage is called a vacuole.

What is fluids-filled space within the cytoplasm temporarily stores food?

fluid filled sapce within the cytoplasm: temporarily stores food

Which cell stores its DNA in the cytoplasm?

A prokaryote cell stores its DNA in the cytoplasm. The Eukaryote cell has a well defined nucleus separated by nuclear envelope which protects the DNA from the cytoplasm. Mitochondria and chloroplasts also contain their own DNA, are parts of cytoplasm.A prokaryote cell stores its DNA in the cytoplasm. The Eukaryote cell has a well defined nucleus separated by nuclear envelope which protects the DNA from the cytoplasm. Mitochondria and chloroplasts also contain their own DNA, are parts of cytoplasm.

What stores a molecule called DNA?

In eukaryotes, DNA is stored in the nucleus. In prokaryotes, the DNA is in the cytoplasm, though it may be bunched up in a structure called a nucleoid, which has no membrane around it.

What was the importance of cytoplasm?

Most of the bodies chemical reactions take place in the cytoplasm. It also stores amino acids and proteins.

What cell part is a jelly like fluid that contains cell parts?

The cytoplasmExplanation...Cytoplasm is a jellylike material inside the cell membrane that surrounds the nucleus of a cell and contains most of the cell's internal parts. Cell membranes serve as the outer boundary of the cells. The membranes help control the substances that enter or exit a cell. The nucleus is the "brain" or control center of the cell that stores inherited information. Animal cells do not have chloroplasts or a cell wall.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Where is fat stored with in the bone?

A tissue called adipose tissue stores fat. It can be found in many places: under the skin, as padding in some joints, behind the eye, as an "apron" (omentum) over the intestines.