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bonding to ionic compounds of the same charge

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Q: In covalent compounds atoms become chemically stable by doing what?
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Do the noble not readily form compounds because they are or are not chemically stable?

It is because they are chemically stable.

The noble gases do not readily form compounds because they are or are not chemically stable?

they are stable

Is argon covalent?

Argon is a noble gas. It has completely filled valence orbitals, is stable and hence chemically inert. It doesn't form any compounds.

In a covalent bond can atoms become chemically stable by sharing their valence electrons?

Yes, a covalent bond involve sharing of electrons between two atoms.

How can nitrogen become more chemically stable?

Nitrogen is sufficiently stable.

Why are electrons shared in covalent compounds?

electorons are shared in covalent compounds, because covalent compounds occur between nonmetals elements.

Does oxygen atoms become more stable or less stable when oxygen forms compounds?

Oxygen becomes more stable when it forms compounds.

How do atoms attains stable configuration of noble gas?

Atoms gain stable configuration of noble gas, by either gaining or losing (as in ionic compounds) or sharing electrons (as in covalent compounds).

How come noble gases don't form covalent bonds?

Noble gases have completely filled orbitals. They generally have 8 valence electrons (helium has only 2) and obey octet rule (stable electronic configuration). Hence they are chemically inert (or do not react with other elements) and generally don't form covalent compounds

Why carbon compounds form covalent compounds?

This because it has the valency 4 (called tetra valency) by which it can combine with lots of elements and also it has a property of forming stable compounds

What happends when two atoms are chemically combined?

you have a chemical bond that is either ionic or covalent or something between the two extremes. Atoms become more stable when they are combined. Valence electron form hybridized orbitals with empty orbitals to form a bond in covalent bonds.

How many covalent bonds can a carbon atom from to become stable?