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Q: In determining the phenotype for the ABO blood system?
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What is the ABO blood system and Co dominance?

explain co-dominance selecting the example of ABO blood group system

The ABO blood system was established by who?

The ABO blood grouping system was established by Karl Landsteiner in 1900. He was awarded the Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1930.

What are genotype of blood typE ABO blood system?

Ia Ib

In which year ABO system of blood grouping discovered?

The ABO blood group system was discovered in 1900 by Karl Landsteiner. The AB blood group was discovered by Von Decastellor and Sturli in 1902.

What is the ABO blood system and Co-dominance?

This means if you get the "A" (or B) gene from one parent, and the "O" gene from another parent, your phenotype (in this case your actual blood group) will be A. The O gene doesn't produce a blood group at all, A and B genes do.

The abo antigen system is what is usually referred to when speaking of a persons?

blood type

What type of Blood is it if it is covered with no antigenes?

In the ABO system, it is O blood type that contains no surface antigens.

Why is testing for Rh antigens and antibodies different from ABO testing?

abo blood group system was discovered in 1901 and rh was discovered in 1940.

Who dis covered abo blood grouping system?

The ABO blood was discovered by Karl Landsteiner in 1900.He explained that agglutination occur due to the presence of antigen on red blood cells and the corresponding antibodies in the serum.

Why does a disparity in ABO blood group system reduce risk of erythroblastosis fetalis?

What is Erythroblastosis?

Is knowing the ABO blood type of a potential donor enough to determine a suitable match?

No. Determining the ABO blood type of a blood donor is only the first step. Rh is tested also. Donor blood also undergoes major testing for diseases transmissible through blood. The next step is looking at the recipient and their needs as far as "matchability" for a blood and blood product transfusion.

What are the blood types in the world population?

It depends what blood group or system you are interested in. The major blood groups are the ABO and Rh system. In addition to these, there are approximately 30 other blood groups/systems of importance in immunohematology.