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Q: In distilled water animal cells
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What happens to animal cells when in distilled water?

When placed in an hypotonic solution (distilled water) an animal cell will engore itself with the water to the point of brakage. This is because the cell itself is an isotonic (aka: has balances mineral content) and the "mineraless" water will become attracted to the stable solution inside the cell. A diagram can be found somewhere, I suggest looking up cells and hypotonic soutions in Biology.

Why plant cells in distilled water do not behave exactly same way as animal cell?

Animal cells will burst because they have no outer structure to allow them to keep their shape. However, plant cells have a cell wall which keeps the cell from bursting.

What term describes the condition of plant cells after being placed in distilled water?

What term describes the condition of plant cells after being placed in distilled water?

What does distilled water do in an ups?

You have an UPS with a motorcycle battery in it, correct? You use the distilled water to top off the electrolyte in the cells.

Do animal cell and plant cell get bigger in distilled water?

If animal cells are placed in distilled water they will absorb water by the process called osmosis. This will make the cell swell and, if it doen not stop, eventually burst. Plant cells placed in distilled water will also absorb water by osmosis but the cell wall prevents them from swelling. Water enters the cells by osmosis because the concentration of the solution inside the cells is higher than that of the 'solution' outside. Water always moves by osmosis from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution (when they are separated by a membrane which lets water through but not dissolved substances). For a good introduction to osmosis see:

What is the environment of a red blood cell when red blood cells are approximately 0.25 percent salt Red blood cells are placed in distilled water?

The distilled water is a hypotonic environment.

If plant cells are immersed in distilled water the resulting movement of water into the cells is called?

The process is called osmosis.

If you immerse your hand in distilled water will your cells lyse?

No, your dead skin cells with repel water, not allowing it to reach the live cells underneath.

How are cells in sodium chloride different from distilled water?

They are smaller. They shrink.

What will happen to blood cells place in the stailed water?

Your question is confusing, did you mean "distilled" water? Your body & cells live and function not in a pure water environment, but water with several electrolytes in specific concentrations: sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride and several others. If you placed red blood cells into pure water (distilled water) that did not have any of the electrolytes mentioned above, the distilled water would enter the blood cells through the process of osmosis. The basic idea of osmosis is that if there is a chemical gradient and a permeable membrane separating this gradient, there will be a transfer of water trying to reach an equillibrium. The solution in your red blood cells would be hyperosmotic compared to the distilled water. The cell membranes are semi-permeable, and would allow some of the distilled water to enter the cell, trying to balance the osmolarity. The effect would be that the red blood cells would swell with distilled water and likely burst--like an over-filled water balloon. If enough red blood cells were to pop, they could release enough electrolytes into the distilled water to keep other red blood cells from swelling and popping.

Is staining what you call it if you diluted a blood sample with distilled water and the red blood cells burst?

You can certainly expect the blood cells to stain the water as their cell membranes rupture from being in a hypotonic solution. The term that describes this is "To lyse". Blood cells lyse in distilled water.

Why do onion cells not rupture when placed in distilled water?

Because plant cells have a rigid cell wall