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Emulsifiable Concentrate (or EC) as it is described on the packaging refers to the formulation of a pesticide or insecticide; another example would be WP (or wettable powder).

Emulsifiable Concentrate means that the product (containing the active ingredient and an emulsifier) is water soluble and can be applied via a spray nozzle (or even as a drench if the active ingredient is systemic).

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Q: In herbicides or pesticides What is Emulsifiable Concentrate used for?
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Only those compounds which have been specifically approved for organic use.(By the way, herbicides are pesticides.)

What do general herbicides do?

Herbicides are members of the group of pesticides; thet are used to kill plants unwanted by the human beings.

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Yes they are. Especially on farms.

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Is a pesticide an herbicide?

Sometimes. All herbicides are pesticides, but not all pesticides are herbicides. A pesticide is any material used to eradicate or suppress any other life form which causes a material or economic loss to humans. Pesticides is a very broad term which includes herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, avicides, acaricides, rodenticides and many others.

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It could be, depending on what chemicals have been used on it. Pesticides and fertilizers and herbicides can be bad for you.

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Chemical used to eliminate certain plants or insect pests?

the chemicals that eliminates plants are called herbicides, and pesticides eliminate pests

Which kinds of pesticides are on the market right now?

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What types of pesticides are used for wheat?

Herbicides to control weeds, sometimes fungicides to control certain kinds of infections, and rarely insecticides to control harmful insects.

How can the use of biotechnology lead to an increase in soil conservation practices?

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