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where elongationm in the roots stop

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Q: In plant cells differentiation begins
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Related questions

What directs the formation of different kinds of cells in your body?

A process call cell differentiation which begins soon after fertilization,

Why do we have cell differentiation in the body?

to differentiation the cells

What is the function of the zone of differentiation?

Area in plant roots where recently produced cells develop into different cell types

Differentiation of cells and tissues in the embryo is called?

cellular differentiation

Is the loss of differentiation of cells?

is the loss of cell differentiation and reversion to a more primitive form The loss of cell differentiation and reversion to a more primitive form has happened in the evolutionary history of plant kingdom. This type of simplicity is caused by reduction.

What is the process called that makes cells specialized?

zygote, stem cells, cell differentiation zygote, stem cells, cell differentiation

At what point after conception does cell differentiation take place in a human?

For the first few hours after conception in humans, the fertilized egg cell will divide into identical cells. After about four days, cell differentiation begins to take place.

Explain how stem cells are necessary for cell differentiation?

Stem cells are necessary for cellular differentiation because when they divide, they become specialized cells.

What is the difference between differential and differentiation?

A differential is the result gained when mathematical differentiation is applied to a function. Differentiation in maths is the function which finds the gradient of a function in terms of x. Differentiation in biology is the specialisation of unspecialised cells such as stem cells into active cells.

What can plant hormones be characterized by?

They may act by altering gene expression. They have a multiplicity of effects. They control plant growth and development and they affect division, elongation and differentiation of cells.

The process which cells develop uniquie characteristics in structure and function is called?

Differentiation part of the Gastrulation process

What is process that creates specialized cells like blood cells nerve cells or bone cells is called .?

I think it's called cellular differentiation or stem cell differentiation.