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Each colony is a mass of bacterial clones, usually founded by one individual cell. So each colony represents one original microbe.

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11y ago

A group of bacteria that grew from another colony forming unit.

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Q: In regards to bacterial growth define colony?
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Discuss a bacterial growth curve and phases of bacterial growth?

The bacterial growth curve is usually exponential in shape just like most of the living organism.

Which statement best explains why no mold is growing in the white area next to the bacterial colony?

2. The bacteria may release a substance that prevents mold growth.

Does each discrete colony represent the growth of one cell on an agar plate?

This is one part of a two part answer. Q: Does each discrete colony represent the growth of one cell? Explain your answer. Why can a single colony on a plate be used to start a pure culture? A: No because a discrete colony is the growth of the descendants of a single cell. The cell will self replicate it self on the growth medium to produce more copies of it self thus creating a colony. A single colony has many cells in the colony. Cells from the colony can be extracted and then placed in a pure culture for better growth. A.C.

What is the difference between bacterial and anti bacterial hand wash?

Bacterial hand wash favors the growth of bacteria on the surface of the skin ( hands). On the other hand ( no pun intended) ANTI bacterial hand wash does not favor bacterial growth and in fact contains agents to prevent any bacterial growth on the hands.

Why streak in an agar slant medium in a straight line?

because the growth of the unknown bacterial colony will create a pattern when it is grown that is characteristic and can help identify the unknown organism

Can bacterial growth in urine result in false positive for methamphetamine?

No, drug tests are designed with things such as bacterial growth in mind.

How do you destroy bacterial growth?

by distorting it

What are the conditions that contribute to bacterial growth?

they need oxygen and heat and moisture to live.

What type of chemical agent retards bacterial growth?

Antibiotics are chemical agents that retard bacterial growth by targeting specific components of bacterial cells, which can inhibit their growth or kill them. Examples include penicillin, tetracycline, and ciprofloxacin.

How does oxygen slow bacterial growth?

Oxygen slows bacterial growth by affecting the metabolic pathways within the bacterial cells. Aerobic bacteria require oxygen to produce energy through respiration, and when oxygen is limited, their growth is inhibited. Oxygen can also generate reactive oxygen species that damage cellular components, further inhibiting bacterial growth.

A mass of bacteria growing in a petri dish?

The visible mass of bacteria in a petri dish represents a population of bacteria that have multiplied and formed a bacterial colony. This colony is often circular in shape and can vary in size depending on the growth conditions and the type of bacteria present. Studying the growth of bacterial colonies can provide valuable information about bacterial behavior and characteristics.