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sodium chloride is more

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Q: In sea water which salt is more sodium chloride or calcium?
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Which is more expensive sodium chloride or calcium chloride?

The price is higher for the calcium chloride.

Why calcium chloride added in sodium chloride to lower the melting point?

The heat of dissolution for calcium chloride in water is greater compared with the same paremeter for sodium chloride; consequently the process of dissolution need more heat from the environment and the freezing point of the water solution is lower.

Which salt found in sea in more quanitty sodium chloride or calcium?

Of course sodium chloride is more in the sea.

What compound is formed from sodium bicarbonate and calcium chloride?

When calcium chloride dissolves, it is rather exothermic (which makes it a good deicer for sidewalks). After mixing: the sodium and chloride ions will remain in solution and do nothing. The bicarbonate and calcium will react in a strange way. Ca2+ + 2 HCO3- → CaCO3 + H2CO3 As the calcium carbonate drops out of solution, the equilibrium of this reaction is further driven off to the right thus creating more carbonic acid. Carbonic acid easily decomposed to form water and carbon dioxide. H2CO3 → H20 + CO2 So, when you mix calcium carbonate and sodium bicarb, you get: Carbon dioxide gas, calcium carbonate solid, water and sodium and chloride ions.

Why is CaCl2 used as salt to spread on streets in winter?

Calcium chloride is more efficient than sodium chloride because has a greater heat of dissolution and consecutively the temperature is greater and the melting of ice easier. Also calcium chloride is not so dangerous for the vegetation as sodium chloride. But calcium chloride is more expensive than sodium chloride. Also be sure that all the chlorides are corrosive for metals (the cars included).

Can you use sodium chloride rather than calcium chloride in fresh water swimming pool for hardness?

No, because it's not the chloride part that's responsible for the hardness, it's the calcium. Sodium chloride is actually used in water softeners, so it's not a great choice if you're looking to increase the hardness. You could use calcium hydroxide, though this will also make the pool more alkaline which may not be ideal.

Why does sodium chloride melt ice faster than calcium chloride and magnisium solfate?

It is not correct: calcium chloride is more efficient (but also more expensive); the cause is that the CaCl2 enthalpy of dissolution is higher.

Is sodium nitrate or sodium chloride more soluble?

Sodium nitrate is more soluble than sodium chloride; sand is insoluble in water.

What are the ingredients of ice melting salt?

We can use sodium, calcium and potassium chlorides; NaCl is the cheapest, calcium chloride is the most efficient but is more expensive.

Why is NaCl soluble in water but iodide is not?

It is false; sodium iodide is more soluble than sodium chloride in water.

Which is more soluble in water sodium carbonate naphthalene or calcium carbonate?

Sodium carbonate is more soluble.

Is calcium sulphate a compound or an element?

Calcium sulphate is a compound. A compound is created when two or more elements are combined such as calcium and sulphide or sodium and chloride in the case of table salt.