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Q: In the 1700s what developed as an important New England industry?
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What was an Important New England industry in the 1700s?

Well, according to my textbook, it says that they did ALL of the fishing. Hope this helped! :D

What major regions developed in the colonies by the 1700s?

The colonial regions in the 1700s were the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies, the Southern Colonies, and the Back Country. The Back Country was near the Appalachian Mountains.

What was the official church England during the 1700s?

The Anglican Church was the official church of England during the 1700s.

What was the official church of England during the 1700s?

The Anglican Church was the official church of England during the 1700s.

What was England's transport in the 1700s?

back in the 1700s the trans port was bad

What was the relationship with the English Colonies and Engalnd from the 1600s to the 1700s?

new England was were people from England settled in during the 1700s.

What was the school education in 1700s in England?

In the 1700s, education in England was primarily available to wealthy boys. They would attend private schools or receive tutoring from private tutors. Girls and children from poorer families often did not have access to formal education and would instead learn basic skills at home.

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What state was the clarinet developed in?

The clarinet was invented in Germany in the 1700s.

In which country did the Industrial Revolution of the late 1700s begin?

england Britain

What empire controlled the US in 1700s?

France an England