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Sons of Liberty!!

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13y ago

They Were called the sons of liberty

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Q: In the American Revolution what were groups of colonists who organized protests against the British government called?
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How did most American colonists earn a living before the American revolution?

by the government

Why did the colonists not get trained in the American Revolution?

The government did not have enough funds to train the troops properly

What colonists supported the American Revolution?

the patriots not the stupid football team either

During the American Revolution what were the colonists doing?

During the american revolution the colonists regulated trade and taxes since the American Revolution was precipitated.

What were two things the colonists considered when they began to design their new government?

American revolution and colonial America

What extent had the colonists developed a sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?

The colonists had developed a strong sense of identity and loyalty. Leading up the American Revolution, the movement for independence had grown significantly, with increased protests and a more organized resistance.

What would the colonists have to do to win?

The colonists did win the American Revolution

What is 1 fact about the American revolution?

The American Colonists won.

Who sat on the throne of England during the American Revolution?

King George III was the British ruler during the American Revolution. He imposed taxes on the colonists. This made the colonists dissatisfied, which led to the American Revolution.

Why did the colonists fight the American Revolution?


Colonists fought to win what in the American revolution?


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