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In the US if a man is entering into an engagement with a woman it isn't traditional for the man to wear an engagement ring. The woman is typically the one who wears the engagement ring.

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Q: In the US if a man engagement with a woman A man wear engagement ring or not?
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If a woman proposes to a man does the woman or the man wear the engagement ring?

Whether the woman purposes to the man or he proposes to her it is the man that gets the engagement ring and not the woman. If he accepts your offer then you can buy a wedding band for him once a date is set for the wedding.

Does the man buy his own engagement ring?

No, From my point of view if Men wants an Engagement Ring then he can buy one on his own, and if her fiancee wants to gift her an engagement ring then she buys it with her money. But usually, Men's don't get an Engagement Ring they only get wedding bands. And which is given by her.

Who keeps the ring if an engagement is broken in Canada?

It depends on who broke the engagement then who gets to keep the ring. If the woman breaks off the engagement the man keeps the ring. If the man breaks the engagement, the woman keeps the ring.

Who gives the engagement ring to whom?

The man gives the engagement ring to the woman.

What is the engagement ring law in Georgia?

This depends on who broke the engagement. If the woman breaks the engagement, she has to return the ring. If a man breaks the engagement, she gets to keep the ring.

Who gets the ring if an engagement is broken?

The woman is supposed to return the ring to the man.

When a man becomes engaged a woman can the woman engage him back?

No, the woman does not engage a man; he gets engaged to her. The couple can go out together to get the engagement ring; he can surprise her by buying an engagement ring and ask him to marry her.

In Australia who keeps the engagement ring when the engagement breaks up?

Unless it is a family heirloom then the young woman can keep the engagement ring as it was a gift to her of the young man's pledge of love. A man who has given an engagement ring to his girlfriend and either one breaks up then a man should not give that engagement ring to another woman that may come into his life. Women would not want some other woman's engagement ring. If he still owes money on the ring then it is entirely up to you as to whether you wish to give it back to him or not.

Man proposes to woman and gives her engagement ring worth 2200 dollars later woman breaks off engagement but refuses to give ring back is their anything the man can do?

No matter what the engagement ring costs once you have given it to her and then she breaks off the engagement the engagement ring is hers to keep (considered a gift.) Some women will give the ring back, while others will keep it.

Is a woman obligated to give back an engagement ring if the man broke off the engagement?

No. An engagement ring is given in contemplation of marriage. If the marriage occurred the contract was completed and the ring became the woman's property. Unless there was some prenuptial agreement the ring belongs to her.

Why don't men wear engagement rings?

Many men do not wear wedding rings because it can often be the line of work they are in such as working with machinery where they might snag their wedding ring and damaging that finger. Some men simply do not like jewelry of any kind.

In nc who gets the engagement ring if the wedding is off?

Well, it's usually customary for the woman to give the engagement ring back to the man unless he insists she keep it. (This is assuming the man bought the ring in the first place.)