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Q: In the book holes why does Stanley steal the water truck?
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In the book Holes by Louis Sachar what occurs when the water truck arrives that indicates Stanley's status in the group of boys is improving?

Mr. Sir moves Stanley up in the line to get his water jug refilled.

Why does Stanley drive off in the water truck in the book Holes by Louis Sachar?

Stanley drives off in the water truck in order to escape from Camp Green Lake after learning about the Warden's unfair treatment and corrupt practices. He hopes to find his friend Zero and uncover the truth about the curse that has plagued their families.

What did Armpit in holes do when asked by Stanley where he could get water?

he punched Stanley cos Stanley didnt call him armpit ;]

What are the important objects in the book holes?

The water truck

Why does Stanley leave camp?

Stanley wants do find Zero. He attempts to take the whole water truck so that the two could have water and a car. He crashes the truck into a ditch and runs away.

Why does Stanley drive off in water truck?

He drives off in the water truck because he wants to go find zero with the truck and it has plenty of water at the back so they could drink from

Why does Stanley in the drive off in the water truck?

He drives off in the water truck because he wants to go find zero with the truck and it has plenty of water at the back so they could drink from

What occurs when the water truck arrives that indicates Stanley's statue in the group of boys is improving?

When the water truck arrives and the boys line up to get a drink, Stanley notices that his statue no longer has visible cracks on its surface. This indicates that the boys are becoming more hydrated and healthier due to the presence of the water truck, leading to the improvement of Stanley's statue within the group.

What happens in page 146 of Holes by Louis Sachar?

On page 146 of "Holes" by Louis Sachar, the reader follows Stanley Yelnats as he learns more about the cursed history of Camp Green Lake and uncovers clues about why the camp director, Ms. Walker, is so fixated on finding something buried in the desert. This part of the story delves deeper into the mystery and sets the stage for further revelations.

In the book Holes When Stanley fell and slid down the mountainside why didn't the jars of water break?


Why did zigzag attack Stanley?

Zigzag attacked Stanley because Stanley was putting dirt in Zigzag's side of the hole and Zigzag was getting mad and that caused Zigzag to hit Stanley with the shovel.

How is gods thumb related in the book Holes by Louis Sachar?

the thumb is where Stanleys great great grandfather found water when he was there