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Q: In the book post mortem by patricia cornwell.Who does scarpetta suspect broke into her computer?
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If you suspect your computer may have been compromised by malware, you should:

What should you do if you suspect your computer may have been compromised by malware?

find the compromise, eliminate it, secure your data better.

Can you use the word fault in a sentence?

I suspect my computer has developed a hardware fault.

What causes computer to start erasing files on its own?

This cannot normally happen. I would suspect a computer virus. I hope you have complete backups.

Where can one find out how to reboot your computer in safe mode?

Rebooting your computer in safe mode is a good idea if you suspect a virus or your computer is running slow. To find out how to reboot check out Microsoft.

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I would suspect the ECU... engine computer!

Why to do if antivirus program not running and suspect computer computer is infected?

The best thing to do is Buy Anti Virus software. You can always Restore your Computer to a recent version if your on XP or Vista. Vista makes Restore and Recovery the easiest

Do failure to appear warrants get issued in the NCIC computer?

Yes, and will help if the suspect has left the state or has been hard to find.

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We suspect that some additional information got lost on the way to the computer.

What is the antonym of suspect?

The antonym of suspect is trust.

Which mode starts the computer using only basic drivers and files needed?

In Windows AND Mac, this is called Safe Mode, only loading up essential files. This can be used when you suspect a virus to be infecting your computer. To enable this, restart your computer and select boot options from the options displayed when the computer is booting.

Can the Wii get a virus from a computer that has a virus?

There are currently no viruses for the Wii. If you suspect something is wrong with your Wii, it would be best to contact Nintendo's support staff.