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This is probably looking at the adaptation from water to land.

* Land has different types of food

* Migration out of water to land means less competition for food and less predators

* Air is far less dense than water and easier to extract O2

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Q: In the evolution of vertebrates what is the significance of being a tetrapod?
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What is the significance of the epidermal layer being avascular regarding wound healing?

what is the significance of the epidermal layer being avasculer regardin wound healing

Astrologically what is the significance of your middle toe being longer than your second toe?

None- astrology has no "significance"

How many limb are tetrapods typically considered to have?

The word "tetrapod" literally translates as "four legs." Most tetrapods have four limbs, not counting the tail. There are some exceptions, snakes being the most obvious.

What is the significance of being able to respond properly in a situation?

The significance of being able to respond properly on a situation it is because that the messages coming from the sense organ(nose,skin,tongue,ears or eyes) are carried by the nerves through the spinal chord to the brain....By:Kent Kyric M. Cabalan

What type of evolution is human evolution?

Human evolution is no different from the evolution of any other species of plant or animal. Over the course of hundreds of thousands of years our ancestors survived by being the better competitor for resources in their environment in their gene pool. The genes that enabled this better survivability were passed on, until the majority of the population were adapted to their environment etc:. homo habilis or homo sapiens or primates

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How are different groups of vertebrates similar and different?

it is different by being different.