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In Virginia, grandparents can be held legally responsible for aiding a runaway 17-year-old if they are found to have knowingly assisted the minor in running away from home. This could potentially involve charges related to harboring a runaway or contributing to the delinquency of a minor, depending on the circumstances.

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Q: In the state of Virginia can a runaway 17 year old grandparents be held legally for helping this child?
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Can you runaway from your mother to your grandparents?

when you're 18

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In most places, a 15-year-old cannot legally leave home without their parents' permission. Minors are typically required to have parental consent to leave their home until they reach the age of majority, which is usually 18.

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He is not a runaway at 18, he is legally an adult.

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Penalties for helping a runaway slave included fines, imprisonment, or physical punishment. In some regions, individuals could also face charges of aiding and abetting a fugitive slave.

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No, you are legally an adult and can live where you want.

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No you can not until you are 18 and then you can move out.

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If you are of legal age she can not but if you are a minor she can report you as a runaway and the police will come after you. Anyone who you stay with then will be harboring a runaway which is illegal.

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People who were caught helping runaway slaves faced severe consequences, such as imprisonment, fines, or physical punishment. Many were also subject to public humiliation and ostracism from their communities.

What happens if you leave your home before the age your suppose to?

If you leave your home before you are legally allowed to you can be forced to go back and filled as a runaway If you leave your home before you are legally allowed to you can be forced to go back and filled as a runaway

Can you legally move out when you are 17 and can your parents do anything to stop you?

Laws vary by location, but in many places you cannot legally move out until you are 18 without parental consent. If you do so without permission, your parents could report you as a runaway. It's important to check the laws in your specific area and consider discussing your situation with a trusted adult or legal professional.