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Q: In the struggle to gain control of the Soviet Union in the 1920s who was Stalin's chief political rival?
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as the power of capitalism increased in europe....stalins power in soviet union decreases

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Who was Joseph stalins primaryopponent for controlof the Soviet Union?

Well he had a few such as Trotsky, Lenin, and the Soviet people as a whole.

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The Cold War

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some soviet industries succeeded and expanded.some soviet industries succeded and expanded

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to purge the country of Stalin's Memory (:

A workers' council that has political powers and organizes political activities?

The answer is Soviet, as in the soviet union.

Were the Japanese a threat to stalins Soviet Union?

Yes, the Japanese empire proved a large threat to the USSR. However, when they invaded, they were quickly driven back.

Who had the power in communism?

It was more of a struggle between the Soviet Union and China.