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If you are playing the science world cup quiz - you haven't looked for long enough!!!

But the answer is Honduras.

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Q: In the yoro region in this country it has been known to rain fish?
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What country is known for raining fish?


What country is known to rain fish?


What is the country Japan well known for?

japan is well known for their fish.

What country does the tropical fish known as betta splendens come from?

Betta's originally come from Thailand, which used to be known as Siam. Hence the name "Siamese Fighting Fish".

Do manatees eat clams and fish?

Manatees are mainly herbivores, but have been known to eat small fish.

National fish of china?

There is not any record of the country of China having a National fish they are known for being responsible for supplying the demand for fish and other seafood.

Is cavier an appetizers?

Caviar, an exquisite appetizer made from fish eggs, also known as roe, that have been salt-cured, from various species of fish depending on the country. Extremely perishable, caviar must be kept refrigerated until it is served.

What is a bullnogger?

Nicknames or commonly-known names for animals can vary by region. For example, the fish known as the Miller's thumb is called the bull-nogger in areas of England.

What fish eats octopi?

Sharks have been known to eat Octopus.

What is the technique called that cooks fish with lemon?

The name of the technique in which fish has been cooked with lemon is known as Ceviche.

The koi fish is known as the 'traditional fish of happiness' and therefore would most likely be found at a wedding reception in which country?


Can a mollie fish live in a fish bowl?

As Mollies are tropical fish, they need regulated heat and good filtration. My Mollies have been known to dive.