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Q: In what cell are mitochondria with many folds?
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What is the sturcture of mitochondria?

Mitochondria are tube-like structures with many folds.

Why are the folds of the mitochondria important?

the folds of the mitochondria are important to store proteins

The folds inside the mitochondria which increase the surface area and allow the cell to change more food into energy are the?


What is the cigar shaped structure with folds on its inner surface in a cell?

Mitochondria: a spherical or rod-shaped organelle found within the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. It acts as the ~powerhouse of the cell~Â as it generates most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through the process of cellular respiration.

Why is the inside of the mitochondria have folds?

Folds increase surface area.So it increase the rate of respiration.

How do you mitochondria in a sentence?

mitochondria have an inner and outer membrane.theinne membranehas many twists and folds(called cristae),which increase the surface area available to proteins.

What organism has mitochondria with disc shaped cristae?

euglenozoa have disk shaped folds in the mitochondria (cristae)

Why are there folds of inner cristae of mitochondria?

Folds increase surface area.So respiration take place efficiently.

What is the structure of a mitochondrion?

The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. It has two membranes. The outer membrane covers the organelle and contains it. The inner membrane folds over many times. This folding increases the surface are inside the organelle.

Would you expect a muscle cell to have many or few mitochondria?

You would expect to find many mitochondria in a muscle cell. This is because the mitochondria makes the energy fo a cell, and muscle cells need alot of energy to do their job. The more energy a cell needs to do its job, the more mitochondria it has.

What cell produce most of the cell energy?

Mitochondria or mitochondrion

Aerobic respiration occurs in the mitochondria of cells and what else does Aerobic respiration occur in?

Mitochondria are composed of two membranes. the inner membrane forms many folds called cristae, which provide a large surface area where chemical reactions take place. the number of mitochondria present in different cells is related to the rate of energy usage by the cell.