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Germany does on the 6th of December. Vietnam and Korea and its not presents its candy.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that you are thinking of Germany.

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Q: In what country do the children wait for their shoes to be filled with presents?
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What do ducch children leave out to be filled?

Dutch children leave out wooden shoes to be filled.

What country has Shoes as there tradition for Christmas?

In France, children leave shoes by the fireplace on Christmas Eve so that Pere Noel (the French version of Santa Claus) can fill them with presents while they are asleep.

Which item is of clothing is sometimes filled with presents?

Stockings in the US, shoes in countries where St. Nicholas fills those.

What do Dutch children leave out to be filled?

Traditionally, they leave out wooden shoes.

What do children in France put out to be filled by pere noel on Christmas Eve?

Their shoes.

Why do they call him Pere Noel?

Pere Noel, or Father Christmas, is the bringer of gifts to boys and girls in France. Traditionally, children leave their shoes by the fireplace, filled with carrots and treats for Pere Noel's donkey, before they go to bed. When they wake up in the morning, Pere Noel will have exchanged the treats for presents, providing the children were well-behaved. Traditionally, the presents are small enough to fit inside of the shoes.

What do Dutch children put out on Christmas Eve instead of stockings?

Nothing at all! Santa Claus does not come to Dutch children, so they don´t need the stocking. They get presents on December 5th from a Santa-lookalike called Sinterklaas and he puts presents in shoes

What do with their shoes in Spain on January 5?

They leave it outside there doorstep and then there santa puts presents or coal in itThey place their shoes on the doorstep, and in the secret of the night , the three wise man pass leaving gifts.

Where are the presents put in France?

Traditionally the presents are put in their shoes

Why do kids leave wooden shoes out before Christmas?

Children leave out wooden shoes before Christmas as part of a tradition in countries like the Netherlands and Belgium, where St. Nicholas (Sinterklaas) brings gifts to good children. The shoes are typically filled with carrots or hay for St. Nicholas's horse, along with a wish list or a small gift for the child. It is a way for children to participate in the excitement of the holiday season and to receive small treats from St. Nicholas.

What do young children leave by the fire on Christmas Eve in France?

French children used to put their shoes by the chimney - or under the Christmas tree. The following morning they would find the presents next to their shoes. There is no tradition of leaving something (like milk) by the chimney for 'le Père Noël' (Santa)

Where do children leave shoes instead of stockings sometimes outside?

This has to do with a Dutch tradition. They leave shoes by the fireplace, so that Sinterklaas will fill it with presents and/or candy. This is done in the period until the fifth of december, which is called Pakjesavond (Evening of presents). That night, Sinterklaas and his 'Zwarte Pieten' deliver gifts to all children that have been good in the past year.