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In fresh water aquatic ecosystems unicellular, colonial and filamentous micro-organisms comprise the most important producers. A large number of fauna depend on these producer micro-organisms.

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Q: In what kind of ecosystems are microorganisms the most important producers?
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What kind of microorganisms are producers?


In most ecosystems what kind organism are producers?

The grass, the trees, herbs etc.

What kind of scientist studies ecosystems?

An Ecologist is a scientist who studies ecosystems.

What is tramsformer?

Decomposers and transformers are the living components of the ecosystem and they are fungi and bacteria. Decomposers attack the dead remains of producers and consumers and degrade the complex organic substances into simper compounds. The simple organic matters are then attacked by another kind of bacteria, transformers, which changes these organic compounds into the inorganic forms that are suitable for re-use by, producers or green plants. The decomposers and transformers play very important role in maintaining the dynamic nature of ecosystems.

What is a good kind of microorganisms?

Decompsers are good microbes!

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all of them

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What is sideraphores?

A siderophore is a kind of molecule that binds who transfers iron into the microorganisms. It is a chelating compound that is secreted by microorganisms like fungi and bacteria.

What kind of producers live in the desert?

Producers make their own food, usually by photosynthesis. The most common producers in the desert are cacti.

What are some things that are producers?

Producers are green plants of any kind as they produce their own energy through sunlight namely producers.

What kind of plants are consumer?

They are not consumers, they are producers.

What kind of microorganisms live on fleas lice ticks and mites?
