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Q: In what order Nutrients move through the large intestine?
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When nutrients leave the stomach in what order do they move through the small intestine?

When food leaves the stomach it first goes through the small intestine. It goes in the same order as it leaves the stomach. The first part of the small intestine is called the duodenum. It changes the digestive fluid from the acidic fluid of the stomach to alkaline. After that it goes through the rest of the small intestine. Nutrients that have become small enough are absorbed by the small intestine through small projections or villi. Food that leaves the small intestine goes into the large intestine. There bacteria digests part of it and makes part of it available for the human. The food part then passes through the very thin large intestine wall. The food digested in the small and large intestines go from there to the liver.

What order do nutrients digest during digestion?

Mouth esophagus stomach small intestine large intestine rectum anus

The order of which food passes through you?

mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and finally the anus.

What is the order of the digestive tract that food passes through?

food passes throw 6 digestive organs in your body. Mouth ,esophagus ,stomach ,small intestine ,large intestine, and rectum.

What is the correct order of food as it passes through the alimentary canal?

Which one of the following correctly represents the order in which food coming into the body passes through the structures of the digestive system? Food moves from the mouth to the pharynx, then on to the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine, and finally the large intestine.

What is the order of organs that food passes through when you eat.?

oral cavity, esophagus,stomach,small intestine,large intestine,rectum,anus.

What does the intestine do in the human body?

Its main function is to absorb nutrients from food. The reason it is so long is so that there is more surface area in order to absorb more nutrients. The intestine also has a muscular surface which pushes food through as it is digested.

In the body does the big intestine come first or the small one?

Food passes from the stomach to the small intestines where most of the nutrients are broken down and absorbed. From the small intestines the balance of the nutrients move to the large intestine where water is extracted and feces is moved to the rectum.

What is the order of food traveling through the digestive system after it is swallowed?

1. Esophagus 2.stomach 3. Small intestine 4.large intestine

If the food passing in stomach does the food go first in large intestine or in small intestine?

The order is as follows: Stomach, small intestine, large intestine.

What is the order of the organs the food passes through in your body?

The mouth. Then through pharynx. Then through oesophagus. Then to stomach. Then through duodenum. Then through small intestine. Then through large intestine. Then through rectum and finally through anal canal. The process of digestion starts from the mouth only. It is no more called as food at the end of small intestine. It becomes waste product of digestion there onwards. Though this waste product of digestion also does few important functions in your body.

Why is small intestine long and coil?

In order that enough nutrients are absorbed through the walls of the small intestine as food passes through, the tube has to be long. In an adult, the small intestine can be anything up to 6 metres or over in length. thank you... Shunterria S. Parham May 2009