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Q: In what state do most metals and nonmetals exist at room temperature?
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How many nonmetals exist as solids at room temperature?

Hi there. If you have a periodic table, it should indicate what matter state each element is at room temperature. From what I can see, 6 non metals exist as solids at room temperature. These non-metals are carbon, sulfur, phosphorous, selenium, iodine, and astatine.

State of matter at room temperature metals metalloids and nonmetals?

See the link below for information on the elements and their properties

What two states of matter do nonmetals exist in at room temperature?

The nonmetals consist of Boron (B), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Arsenic (As), Antimony (Sb) and Tellurium (Te). At 25 degrees Celsius (room temp) all of these are in a solid state. It is important to remember though, that gases can also be considered non metals, though because, obviously, they are not metals.

Most non-metals are in what state?

Nonmetals can be solid, liquid or gaseous.

What state of matter do non metals exist in at room temperature?

There are 2 states of matter. They are solids,liquids and gasses.

State of most non metals at room temperature?

Non-metals are any of the non-metallic elements found in Groups 14, 15 and 16 of the periodic table. At room temperature, most non-metals exist as either gases or solids.

Are most nonmetals are liquid?

Most nonmetals are not liquid at room temperature, as they are gasses. The only nonmetal that is in a liquid state at room temperature is bromine.

What is the most common state of nonmetals at room temperature?


What state are most non-metals in room temperature?

Non-metals are any of the non-metallic elements found in Groups 14, 15 and 16 of the Periodic Table. At room temperature, most non-metals exist as either gases or solids.

Why non-metals gaseous at room temperature?

The atoms of non-metals are covalently bonded in a molecule. These molecules are joint by weak intermolecular forces of attraction which are easily overcame. Hence the boiling point is low and usually below room temperature so at room temperature, they are gaseous.

What state are most non metal in at room temperature?

Non-metals are any of the non-metallic elements found in Groups 14, 15 and 16 of the Periodic Table. At room temperature, most non-metals exist as either gases or solids.

3 Metals which exist in liquid state?

the three metals are Francium, Mercury and Bromine