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Q: In what two ways did most peoples of west Africa support themselves and their families?
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What were the roles European Imperialism played on African lives?

European Imperialism played a horrifying role in Africa. When Europe discovered Africa's mineral wealth, they enslaved the peoples, believing themselves better.

What part of Africa has a population of displaced peoples?

West Africa

What evidence is there to support the theory that human life came from Africa?

Genetic. The further from Africa the more the genetics have diverged, but within Africa most groups have little variation in their genetics. Using this divergence data a tree can be plotted showing when the different peoples of the world left Africa.

What are the different peoples of North Africa unified?

Africa is a continent so we need a country to answer.

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The peoples fromk Africa

Large population of displaced peoples?

west Africa

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u suck

What African peoples routine?

Same as anyone outside Africa

Who were the bantu?

The Bantu are groups of negroid peoples of different tribes living in Equatorial and southern Africa.

Founder of Africa?

Nobody "founded" Africa. It is huge continent with many different peoples and different countries.

What is Africa main race?

The main race of Africa is the Bantu peoples, over 130 million people.