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China has the greatest linguistic diversity.

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Papua New Guinea has the greatest linguistic diversity in East Asia, with over 800 languages spoken in the country.

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Q: In which country east Asia has the greatest linguistic diversity exist?
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What is meant by the diversity of a language?

The diversity of a language refers to the variations and differences that exist within a particular language. This can include variations in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, dialects, and accents, which are influenced by factors such as regional, social, and cultural factors. The diversity of a language is a reflection of the linguistic richness and complexity within a language.

How many languages exist in the US?

There are over 350 languages spoken in the United States, with Spanish being the second most common language after English. This linguistic diversity reflects the country's history of immigration and cultural exchange.

How many languages will there be in 100 years?

It's difficult to predict the exact number of languages that will exist in 100 years, but it's likely that the current trend of language extinction will continue, leading to a reduction in the overall number of languages spoken worldwide. Globalization and increased communication may also lead to the merging of languages, further impacting linguistic diversity.

Why do languages exist?

Languages exist as a means for human communication. They have evolved as a way for individuals to convey thoughts, emotions, and information to others. The diversity of languages reflects the cultural history and context of different societies.

Why Belgium doesn't have their own language?

Belgium is a multilingual country with three official languages: Dutch, French, and German. This diversity is due to the historical influences and regional differences within the country. Each language community has its own cultural and linguistic identity, which is recognized and protected under the Belgian constitution.

Related questions

What is meant by the diversity of a language?

The diversity of a language refers to the variations and differences that exist within a particular language. This can include variations in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, dialects, and accents, which are influenced by factors such as regional, social, and cultural factors. The diversity of a language is a reflection of the linguistic richness and complexity within a language.

Does tolerance exist without diversity?

I believe not. What would you have to tolerate if there was no diversity?

Is bostico international a member of institute of linguistic?

Such institute does not exist!

What kind evidence exist for the bantu expansion?

Linguistic Evidence

What is the greatest diversity of life in the ocean?

The greatest diversity among species exist in insects. There are hundreds of thousands of species with more being discovered all the time. ===================================== (I think what the contributor is looking for is: In the equatorial rain forests.)

Is Diversity necessary for organizational success?

I would not say that diversity is necessary for organizational success, but I would say, the education, training and understanding of diversity in organizations where it does exist is critical to its success.

What did you learn about diversity in this class?

There are many things that you can learn about diversity in a class. Some of them include diversity breeds a better society, the different interactions are the ones that make the ecosystem to exist.

What country had the greatest influence on japan during the medieval period?

China and Korea but mostly china since they were first to exist

What is religious diversity?

The fact that in a given society there exist multiplicity of religious together.

What is the accounting framework and why does it exist?

limits the different and diversity between the financial statements of entities.

At room temperature the greatest attractive forces exist between particles of?

At room temperature, the greatest attractive forces exist between particles of

What was the greatest power in the Mediterranean?

The greatest power to ever exist on the Mediterranean was the Roman Empire.