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American wedding

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Q: In which of the American Pie movies does Stifler compete in a dance-off in a gay club?
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In the movies American Pie is Dwight Stifler Steve Stifler's littlebrother?

No...It is his cousin

In which of the American pie movies stifler dance-off in a gay club?

The third one, called American Wedding (I think that's the title).

In the Americam Pie Films how are all the Stiflers related?

there is Steve stifler the first stifler in the first 3 movies,theres Matt stifler which is in band camp,theres Steve and matts cousin Erik and Dwight,and steves other cousin Scott stifler.

What would one be searching for if one Googled 'MILF movies'?

If one was searching Google for a MILF movie, they are more than likely to be searching for a porn. The term MILF was popularized in American Pie, referring to Stifler's mom.

What are the names of all the American Pie movies?

There are seven American Pie films. The films: American Pie (1999) American Pie 2 (2001) American Pie - The Wedding (2003) American Pie - Band Camp (2005) American Pie - Naked Mile (2006) American Pie - Beta House (2007) American Pie - Book of Love (2009) And there will also be a 8th film in April 2012. "American Pie - Reunion". The first three movies are actually the real American Pie. After these it handle about Steve Stiflers brothers and cousins in the other four movies: Matt Stifler (Steve's younger brother), Eric Stifler (Steve and Matt's cousin). Dwight Stifler (cousin to the others) and Scott Stifler (also cousin to Steve and Matt).

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they both have something in common they both are action movies

Why do the Russians get American movies before the UK?

Because Russians are imitate the american movies

Which American movie won an Oscar?

Almost all of the Oscar-winning movies are American movies.

Is the French setting on American movies Canadian or European?

The French setting on American movies is Canadian and not European.

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They are like American movies but Indian

Has Chris Hemsworth only acted in American movies?

Yes. Chris Hemsworth has only acted in American movies.

Why do they have modern scrawny action girls in movies computer games and TV?

Usually scrawnier and skinnier girls make for easier animations, and as movies compete, they cast roles for them, too.