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You need to visit your dentist as soon as possible.. They'll advise you to go on a course of medication. It's also recommended to take an antibacterial mouthwash to help rid of further infection.

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Q: Infected tooth swollen gum what to take for swelling to go down?
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Heat is for therapy, cold is for swelling. If you have a swollen finger you should use ice, you should check with your doctor if the swelling doesn't go down.

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Typically a dentist will not do the procedure until the swelling goes down. The dentist will usually prescribe an antibiotic first, to help bring down the swelling and reduce any pain.

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Put ice on it and keep it elevated higher than your heart to help the swelling go down

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Probably not, the swelling will go down but not the scar tissue which some mistake for swelling. This Im afraid will be with you for life & look as the though yr finger is swollen permenantly. The main thing is physio to esure as much use from the finger as possible, even if it does look like a sausage!!!

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You can take Nurofen to help reduce the swelling from a tooth abscess. You will also need to get an antibiotic from your dentist which will not only help bring the swelling down but will also clear up the infection.

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It's probably not broken. Apply cool compress and elevate above the heart to control the swelling. If the finger can't be moved easily, and the swelling does not go down, it may then be a broken finger.

What causes swollen cheek?

Answer, Could be that you have an infection in your mouth. I'd recommend that if the swelling doesn't go down in a day or so, go see a doctor.

How long do you leave ice on a sore elbow?

You only use I've if it's swollen. You'd keep the ice on until the swelling goes down.