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i think y u see blood 4 days before ur peirod is because its tellign u that ur about to have one and that ur ready to have one. now id be happy to see blood because some people get surgry if they don't get a period because it marks that ur ready to have a baby i mean not that ur gonna have one at that moment but that if u were older and ready to have a bab y u could.

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Q: Instead of getting your period you had spotting 4days before your period was due you only saw blood when you wiped and then had only 2 drops of blood on your pantyliner your breasts stayed sore even a?
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Yes. Mild cramping, sore breasts, light spotting, every body getting on your nerves, fatigue. All signs that your period is coming, but it never does. Must be pregnant!

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if your far and have small breasts it means that not much fat I'd getting into your breasts

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your most likely pregnant and it is old blood you need to let your doctor check you could be pregnant and old blood your uterus is getting rid off

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Swelling and tenderness of the breasts around ovulation time can be normal.

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10 that's when i started getting mine.

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you mind your own business