

Best Answer

Insulin stimulates the:

Liver to take up glucose, activate glycogen synthesis, shut down glycogenolysis and gluconeogensis

Muscles to take up glucose and amino acids (and possibly fatty acids)

Adipose tissue to take up glucose and fatty acids (and possibly amino acids)

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Q: Insulin which is released by the pancreas stimulates the?
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An intestinal hormone that stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreatic islet cells is?

insulin IS a hormone released from the pancreas

Which pancreatic hormone stimulates the uptake of glucose by cells?

The hormone that predominately signals glucose uptake by the cells is the insulin. It is secreted in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans.

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High blood sugar from food stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin into the blood. However, in insulin resistance, the insulin is secreted but is only partially absorbed by the tissues.

What glands secrete hormones such as insulin?

The beta cells of the Isles of Langerhaans in the pancreas secrete insulin.

Where is insulin produced from?

after eating, your blood glucose level goes up and the insulin would kick in, insulin is released from the pancreas and the insulin opens the cell door for glucose and the blood glucose levels go back to normal.

Name one hormone and state its function?

* Insulin - released by pancreas - encourages liver and muscle cells to absorb glucose from the blood; stimulates the conversion of glucose ----> glycogen in liver/muscle cells.

Which organ in human body produces insulin?

The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes along with the enzymes insulin and glucagon.

What organ secretes insulin?

The Pancreas is what produces insulin

What does pancreas secrete when blood glucose falls?

Pancreas detects blood glucose level by its cells called "Islets of Langerhans." When the blood glucose level is too high, it releases insulin. When it becomes too low, the pancreas then releases glucagon to elevate a low blood glucose.

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