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Q: Int a 100how many bytes will it occupy?
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How many bytes in an address of an int variable?

32 bits or 4 bytes and an int is not an address, it is a primitive so it directly access the data without a reference.

How many bytes required for int float double char boolean?

Int: 4 bytes Float: 4 double: 8 char: 1 boolean: 1

How many bytes in a const int?

The storage size of an int in C is loosely defined, and may be either 2 bytes or, more commonly, 4 bytes. Whether or not it is defined as const won't affect the size.

What is the sizeof long int?

The sizeof long int is platform-dependent, often 4 bytes or 8 bytes.

Integers need how many bits to stored in C plus plus?

It depends on the type of integer (such as long, short, int and char) and the specific implementation of C++. The only guarantee is that a char must occupy one byte (sizeof(char)==1). An int is typically 32-bits (4 bytes), but only sizeof(int) can tell you for sure.

What is size of int value in c plus plus?

sizeof (int) will tell you (in bytes). It's often 2, 4 or 8 bytes.

Why char consumes 2 bytes in java and int consumes 4 bytes in java?

in java, char consumes two bytes because it uses unicode instead of ascii. and int takes 4 bytes because 32-bit no will be taken

How int is stored in memory?

As 4 adjacent bytes.

What is the memory size of integer pointer?

for C: sizeof (int), often 2 or 4 bytefor Java: 4 byte

In c language size of data type int?

printf ("sizeof (int) is %d bytes", (int)sizeof (int)); Most likely it will be 2 or 4.

What is the data type int?

Data-type (short for integer).

How many length required for an integer?

You mean how many bytes? It is sizeof (int) -- usually 4, on archaic platforms 2 (TurboC).