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Int: 4 bytes

Float: 4

double: 8

char: 1

boolean: 1

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Q: How many bytes required for int float double char boolean?
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What Bytes occupied by double data type in c?

The number of bytes occupied by a specific data type depends on the implementation. In general, the double data type is eight bytes long, but you can check it using sizeof(double). In 16-bit,32-bit compilers double size is 8 bytes.It looks like float because it stores scientific and financial like big float values.

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It supports float, double, boolean, int, char, short, long, ezekiel, jimenez, and macasusi

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What is the size of Float?

8 bytes

What are the only types in Java that are not classes?

The non-class Java data types are primitives: * byte * short * int * long * float * double * boolean * char

What are fundamental data types in java?

Assuming by "fundamental" you mean the primitive data types: boolean, byte, char, short, int, long, float, and double

Why do we use double in java but do not use float?

Double is more precise than float. The 4 bytes saved on a float are usually not very relevant. However, if you need to save large amounts of numbers (e.g. in an array), and you don't need the extra precision, you might save some memory by using float.